su - postgres
psql yidu
update t_chapter set deleteflag = true where chaptername = articlename || '更新重要通告';
update t_article t set lastchapter = (select chaptername from t_chapter tc where chapterno in (select max(chapterno) from t_chapter where deleteflag = false group by articleno) and tc.articleno = t.articleno) , lastchapterno = (select chapterno from t_chapter tc where chapterno in (select max(chapterno) from t_chapter where deleteflag = false group by articleno) and tc.articleno = t.articleno) where articleno in (select articleno from t_chapter where chaptername = articlename || '更新重要通告' group by articleno);
命令详解,就不写在后面了,不容易复制 ,看下面
切换到数据库用户 su - postgres
连接数据库 psql yidu
把xxx更新重要通告 标识为删除 update t_chapter set deleteflag = true where chaptername = articlename || '更新重要通告';
更新小说的最新章节信息,可能执行的时间长一些,不用担心,多等等(SQL应该有优化的空间,功能够就先用着啦) update t_article t set lastchapter = (select chaptername from t_chapter tc where chapterno in (select max(chapterno) from t_chapter where deleteflag = false group by articleno) and tc.articleno = t.articleno) , lastchapterno = (select chapterno from t_chapter tc where chapterno in (select max(chapterno) from t_chapter where deleteflag = false group by articleno) and tc.articleno = t.articleno) where articleno in (select articleno from t_chapter where chaptername = articlename || '更新重要通告' group by articleno);
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